[Oral Presentation]
  • Official language is English.
  • An oral presentation is basically allocated in 20 min (presentation:15 min and discussion: 5 min).
  • Each individual presentation duration and time for questions will be managed by the session chair.
  • Presentators are recommended to use your PC for presentation. Please check a connection to the projector before the session (use coffee break time). Available connetor type will be analog RGB interface (D-Sub15).
  • Or presentators can bring PPT data within USB to upload your presentation to the computer (PC Windows) available in your session room.
  • Please be present at your session room 5min before the session starts.

  • [Poster Presentation]
  • Official language is English.
  • Poster panels are prepared for posters with a size of A zero vertical [841 mm (Width) * 1189 mm (Height)].
  • The presenter is responsible for assembling the poster in the morning (10:00-12:00) of Day1. Each presenter will be assigned a space to hang the poster. Adhesive tape is prepared for putting up a poster.
  • Poster session core time: 13:00-13:50 of Day1. Participants are free to look at posters with lunch from 12:00. Pick up a lunch box (sandwich) and join the poster session!
  • The presenter is responsible for taking off the poster until 18:00, Day1.

  • [Distribution of the Abstract Book]
  • Conference abstract is distributed to only participants of SRA Asia 2018 by an electric media (i.e. USB memory).